RETURN CLIENTS: Pre-Marital - Engaged Counseling

RETURN CLIENTS: Pre-Marital - Engaged Counseling

To prepare our clients for marriage, not their wedding, by providing them with a blueprint with actionable steps to build a healthy and robust foundation.

Here at Better Together Counseling, we encourage couples to spend more time preparing for their marriage which is for a lifetime, as opposed to planning for the wedding, which only lasts four to five hours in one day. We suggest that our engaged couples spend one year in advance and a minimum of eight months in pre-marital counseling. We will cover a large amount of content explicitly catered to the relationship. Since the divorce rate is at an all-time high for couples ages 25 to 49, we aim to equip our clients with the necessary tools to promote a healthy marital relationship and life.

Some of the content covered is as follows:

  • Communication Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationships Styles & Habits
  • Traditions
  • Triggers
  • Spiritual Beliefs, to list a few

Rushing into marriage is almost never a wise idea. Before you get married, you should get to know your future spouse and learn about both their positive and negative traits. A hastily arranged union can result in an unhappy union or a divorce. Before getting married, you might not be aware of all your partner’s peculiarities or points of contention, which could cause issues. Fortunately, pre marital counseling can assist couples in determining their own philosophies.

What Exactly Is Pre-Marital Counseling New York?

Pre-marital counseling is a type of treatment for engaged couples who wish to work out any concerns they may have before getting married. Pre-marital counseling was once a practice exclusive to the religious. Counseling sessions have been made available by their religious leaders to churchgoers who desire to get married.

Secular couples, however, can also gain from pre-marital therapy and are beginning to understand its significance. Premarital therapy is a popular service provided by certified therapists, and for good reason. Any couple who wishes to have a successful marriage should consider pre-marital therapy.

How to Get Ready for Your First Marital Therapy Consultation.

Going to your first pre-marital counseling appointment can be really intimidating. The good thing is that you can get ready for it right away and then be ready for your appointment. Here are some helpful pointers to help you through the days before your counseling appointment:

How to Get Ready for Your First Pre-marital Counseling New York City

Going to your first pre-marital counseling appointment can be really intimidating. The good thing is that you can get ready for it right away and then be ready for your appointment. Here are some helpful pointers to help you through the days before your counseling appointment:

Ensure that you can both attend the first session together.

The fact that both parties can attend the initial session of pre marital counselling Jamaica together is one of its most crucial elements. This enables the therapist to fully comprehend the circumstance and create a strategy that is especially suited to the couple’s requirements. It could be more challenging for the pre-marital counseling counselor to offer worthwhile assistance if only one person shows up.

The first session is crucial for both parties to attend for a variety of reasons. One benefit is that it enables the counselor to observe how both parties interact with one another. This can offer insightful information about any prospective issues in the relationship. Also, by having both individuals present, the counselor can assist them in creating a strategy for resolving their concerns jointly.

It’s usually better to postpone your appointment if you can’t make it to your initial meeting. There are very few occasions when situations arise or one individual becomes unwell. It is much preferable to prepare in advance and take care of any problems that can obstruct the pre-marital counseling New York procedure.

Choose the top two or three topics you want to discuss during your counseling appointment.

What difficulties do you currently face? From this pre-marital counseling New York city session, what do you want to learn? Write down your ideas and be clear about what you want to get out of counseling. You can use this to better prepare for your first counseling session.


It’s best to refrain from writing about every aspect of your marriage because you could find it difficult to recall everything later on when it might be most helpful. But, if there are any particular topics you wish to discuss, write them down and bring them along.

Be sincere with your relationship and with yourself.

Don’t be embarrassed to discuss your partner’s weaknesses or personal challenges. It will probably be challenging to work through them as a couple if you find it too embarrassing, unsettling, or unpleasant to discuss these issues in pre-marital counseling in Jamaica.

To help you address some of your reservations during counseling, you can try writing them down in advance.

Pre marital counselling Jamaica offers a safe environment for partners to converse openly about challenging subjects, which is one of its advantages. Hence, make sure that you are optimistic about the potential of your relationship while remaining realistic about it.

If you follow the above-mentioned steps, you can be sure to have an amazing session with your partner that can solve some major issues that a relationship is faced in the beginning. So head over to pre-marital counseling New York city today!

  • Duration : 60 minutes